I (Marianne here) have known Song since middle school. We actually met through a Saturday program that should eventually "lead" us to Medical school. 15 years later, she's a PhD candidate for Bioengineering and here I am a law student. Let's get on with the engagement! Song met Masa during her undergrad years at UC Berkeley. At the time, Masa left the comfort (and I say this with much affection) of MIT's Physic's Dept... just kidding Masa! These 2 met during Song's junior year when she moved into the house he was living in and instantly reveled "in his sense of humor and his ability to prepare rice". Ha. Their friendship was solidified after episodes and episodes of Law and Order, silly conversations and Japanese green tea. Love blossomed during their walks in Berkeley Hills, eating pizza at Cheeseboard, watching Beatles movies and long conversations. When Masa finished with his Master's at UCB he moved to Maryland where they gave long distance relationship a try: a difficult move which Song says "made Masa sick often"...poor Masa. At the end of song's undergrad years she did her best to be closer to Masa so she packed her bags and moved to New York! Song was able to join Masa in the DC area and it's DC because Masa's favorite monument is the Lincoln Memorial. It is here when Masa proposed. They made Florida their home but Song departed for Georgia to pursue her advanced degree. Song believes that their time spent apart made them a stronger unit which has also allowed them to cherish the things that other couples may take for granted. So here they are: Florida and Georgia, two old comfortable souls slowly making their way towards each other and THAT's what I call love.
The day began at Downtown L.A. Union station, mixed in with a little bit of Metro, stopped for coffee at the CoffeBar, did a little bit of reading at The Last Bookstore, proceeded on to the "Cornfield Park"...minus the cornfield and polished the day off having dinner in Little Tokyo. Congrats Songbird & Masa!