When Amanda asked me to shoot an at home session with her and John I was more than ecstatic and jumped at the idea. We also thought it was a great idea to do a baking photo sesh and when all fell into place, my photography eye reveled at all the cute details Amanda had in store but unfortunately, the other eye (the hungry one) knew that everything was hands off. They had this ridiculously cute home that was so "homey" and to top that off an absolutely awesome kitchen to boot! Amanda and John certainly had their eye candy on each other, I mean after all, they were high school sweethearts. Amanda was more than quick to say that she was one of those cool freshman's with senior friends (yes Amanda, you're too cool ;o) ). 10 1/2 years later John asks and Amanda said "Yes". This year they celebrate their 1 year anniversary. Actually, today is their anniversary so let's just say CONGRATS John & Amanda!
Can't wait for another session with you guys in the woods! J/k, we'll be near civilization...I promise.

Disclaimer: Amanda never frosts a cake on the cake stand (I don't think you're suppose to anyway) BUT that cake stand was just too pretty not to be part of the action.

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