So you guys don't know how much I actually love New York and what better way to stir that dream of living there someday than to shoot a couple who's actually from there. Well Kris is from New York (Long Island to be exact) and Megan is from Nor Cal, butttt they met in New York. They met 4 years ago at a Dave & Busters. Megan said to me that on their 3rd date Kris brought her flowers that matched her room's decor (now THAT is what I call paying attention). I spoke to Kris about moving out west and he says CA is actually where his heart is. This past December they visited Carmel River Beach and Kris proposed by writing " Will you marry me?" on the sand. I don't know how he managed to occupy Megan's mind with something else while he wrote this but it absolutely worked. I suppose there's really no other way to go when you've been writing your girlfriend aheeemmm fiance love notes on the sand since you started dating her. What an awesome couple I got a chance to work with!

A little tid bit: Megan designed and created and by created I mean made that dress herself! It's absolutely gorgeous in person.

Megan says she's a girly girl who happen to love bows. She's got 2 pink ribbon tattoos which graces her arms just above her elbows.

The infamous pup. And no, this little cutie is not theirs. During the shoot there was a family just to the left of us and the dog kept coming back to Megan and Kris. This is his cameo.

Kris is a big sports fan. I don't believe I've ever met anyone else who's a bigger sports fan than he is. I guess we can call him a sports fanatic.

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